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  1. As the Roman Empire expanded, migrants to the capital brought their local cults, many of which became popular among Italians. Christianity was eventually the most successful of these beliefs, and in 380 became the official state religion. For ordinary Romans, religion was a part of daily life. [1]

  2. Wyznaniami monoteistycznymi są trzy religie określane jako abrahamiczne: judaizm, chrześcijaństwo i islam, a także nowe religie powstałe na ich gruncie, takie jak sikhizm, rastafari, babizm i bahaizm. Idea jedynego Boga znana jest też w zaratusztrianizmie (Ahura Mazda) i w większości odłamów hinduizmu (Brahman, Iśwara).

  3. 24 wrz 2012 · This occurs under a map of Roman Florence in which the south side of the city makes an angle, with the north bank of the Arno, of some 30 degrees. He seems to have in mind the wall marked on his supposed Carolingian city (fig. 131, p. 330) on the north side of Borgo SS.

  4. 15 lut 2024 · Podstawą religii chrześcijańskiej jest uznanie Biblii (Pisma Św.), składającej się ze Starego Testamentu i Nowego Testamentu, za objawienie Boże, a Jezusa Chrystusa za Syna Bożego, zapowiedzianego odkupiciela ludzkości.

  5. 17 paź 2019 · Monotheism is simply defined as the belief in one god and is usually positioned as the polar opposite of polytheism, the belief in many gods. However, the word monotheism is a relatively modern one that was coined in the mid-17th century CE by the British philosopher Henry More (1614-1687 CE).

  6. 12 sie 2011 · By considering the ‘one god’ inscriptions that are found in the Near East in pagan, Jewish, Samaritan and Christian traditions, Markschies shows how fluid the lived reality of ancient religion was, between polytheism and monotheism.

  7. Explore and discover the history of Florence through detailed topographic maps, featuring cities, landmarks, and geographical changes. Dive deeper into each map with our interactive high-resolution viewer and extensive library data.

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