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  1. Polarity Worksheet. For each of the following pairs of molecules, determine which is most polar and explain your reason for making this choice: carbon disulfide. nitrogen trichloride. boron trihydride. chlorine. silicon dioxide. methane. silicon tetrabromide.

  2. Polarity & Chemical Bonds Worksheet. 1. How are ionic bonds and covalent bonds different? 2. How does a polar covalent bond differ from a covalent bond? 3. How do electronegativity values help us determine the polarity of a bond? 4. For each of the following molecules, label the part is partially positive (δ+) and partially negative (δ-).

  3. Polarity. Molecular compounds are not easily identified by their properties alone. You may have noticed that some molecular compounds, like sugars for instance, behave in ways nearly identical to ionic compounds.

  4. In this lesson we will learn (a) how the combination of bonded electrons and lone pairs of electrons result in different molecular shapes and (b) how unequal sharing of electrons within bonds along with the shape of a molecule result in polar and nonpolar molecules.

  5. When is a molecule polar? Change the electronegativity of atoms in a molecule to see how it affects polarity. See how the molecule behaves in an electric field. Change the bond angle to see how shape affects polarity.

  6. Polarity Practice Worksheet - Solutions For each of the following pairs of compounds, determine which is most polar based on their Lewis structures. 1) methyl chloride (CHCl3) or methyl bromide (CHBr3) Since chlorine is more electronegative than bromine, the molecule has a higher polarity. 2) water or hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

  7. Molecular Polarity Worksheet. Fill in the table below. Here are the available choices: LEWIS DOT DIAGRAM: draw dot diagram of molecule. ANY POLAR BONDS?: yes or no (if any bond between 2 atoms is polar) ALL POLAR BONDS THE SAME?: yes or no. MOLECULAR SHAPE: use VSEPR chart. SYMMETRICAL?: yes or no.