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  1. › project › playsoundplaysound - PyPI

    23 lip 2021 · Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds. Installation. Install via pip: $ pip install playsound. Done. If you insist on the (slightly) harder way of installing, from source, you know how to do it already and don’t need my help.

  2. › project › playsound3playsound3 - PyPI

    10 lis 2024 · Cross platform library to play sound files in Python. Installation. Install via pip: pip install playsound3 Quick Start. Once installed, you can use the playsound function to play sound files: from playsound3 import playsound playsound ("/path/to/sound/file.mp3") # or use directly on URLs playsound ("http://url/to/sound/file.mp3") Documentation

  3. 21 lis 2008 · I just released a simple python wrapper around sox that will play a sound with Python. It's very easy to install as you need Python 2.6 or greater, sox (easy to get binaries for most architectures) and the wrapper ( ).

  4. Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds.

  5. › project › playsound2playsound2 - PyPI

    6 lip 2023 · Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds. Installation. Install via pip: $ pip install playsound. Done. If you insist on the (slightly) harder way of installing, from source, you know how to do it already and don’t need my help.

  6. › python-play-soundPlay sound in Python

    You can play sound files with the pydub module. It’s available in the pypi repository (install with pip). This module can use PyAudio and ffmpeg underneath. The module snack sound kit can play several audio files: WAV, AU, AIFF, MP3, CSL, SD, SMP, and NIST/Sphere. You can install it with your package manager: ‘apt install python3-tksnack’.

  7. Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds. Install via pip: Done. If you insist on the (slightly) harder way of installing, from source, you know how to do it already and don't need my help. The latest version of the source code can be found at:

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