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Système International d’Unités), is the modern metric system of measurement. The SI is ... • The name of the unit with symbol t and defined according to 1 t = 10. 3. kg is called ... extended to standards of measurement of electricity (1927), photometry and radiometry
The recommended symbols in section 4, particularly those related to physical chemistry, have been actively coordinated with the corresponding recommendations of Commission I.1 on Symbols, Units and Terminology of IUPAC in order to avoid any conflict between the two. The values of the
The definitions of these units are as follows: metre (m): the metre is the length of the path travelled in vacuum by light during (1/299 792 458) second. kilogram (kg): the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram.
Appendix 2 outlines the measurements, consistent with the theoretical definitions given in the principal text, which metrological laboratories can make to realize physical units and to calibrate material standards of the highest quality.
Symbols representing physical quantities, units, mathematical operations and relationships, astronomical bodies, constellations, and the Greek alphabet.
Symbols of all reactive magnitude terms in formulas have been consistently given the signs conventionally associated with them to maintain capacitive or inductive identity.
energy equivalent mτc2 2:84705(46) 10 10 J 1:6 10 4 Page 3 Source: Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor, CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 2002, published in Review of Modern Physics 77, 1 (2005).