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  1. System identyfikacji celów „swój-obcy” zapewnia zapytanie i zdekodowanie odpowiedzi w modach: Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3 / A, Mod C, Mod 4 i NSM z możliwością dalszych modyfikacji do pra-cy w Mark XIIA Mod 5 i Mod S. Jednoznacznie identyfikuje cel jako „swój” lub „obcy”, informując operatora o jego odległości i azymucie.

  2. The Target ‘friend or foe‘ Identification System provides for in-itiating the question and decoding the reply in the following modes: Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3 / A, Mode C, Mode 4 and NSM with further growth to operate in Mark XIIA Mode 5 and Mode S.

  3. Military IFF systems use four modes of operation, identified as mode 1 through mode 4. The basic SSR (civilian) mode is mode A, which is essentially identical to the military mode...

  4. The common module Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) interrogator represents a family of universal, All-Mode monopulse systems that can be found in the TTM line of products. Whether configured for shipboard, airborne or ground-based applications, our IFF can be used with common hardware and software modules

  5. NR-IFF implements a unique “Vertical Antenna Pointing Diversity” (VAPD) architecture that solves this major performance degradation by implementing in parallel several different switchable elevation antenna diagrams, which are continuously altered.

  6. C Mode 1 is a nonsecure low cost method used by ships to track aircraft and other ships. C Mode 2 is used by aircraft to make carrier controlled approaches to ships during inclement weather.

  7. BAE Systems’ Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) systems enable friendly forces to identify friendly platforms among potential targets. This provides critical time to counter an attack or prevent

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