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Get lake level information for specific lakes with the LakeFinder. Lake Level Minnesota is a program in which volunteers and cooperative organizations collect and report lake levels throughout the state.
LakeFinder contains data for more than 4,500 lakes and rivers throughout Minnesota, including lake surveys, lake depth maps, lake water quality data, lake water clarity data, lake notes, and fish consumption advice.
Pixel and lake level maps of lake clarity, chlorophyll, and CDOM can be displayed by seasonal average and since 2017 by month, along with summaries and statistics at state, county, ecoregion, and watershed levels, and land cover maps and statistics for a 1,000-foot buffer area around each lake. It provides daily (when clear imagery is available ...
Lake mapping is a way to learn what a lake is like under the water's surface. Conducted by the DNR's Division of Ecological Resources Lake Mapping Unit, lake mapping provides a visual representation of the shape and depth of Minnesota lakes.
The DNR LakeFinder web site is the best means for the public to access available data on more than 4,500 Minnesota lakes relating to fisheries information, lake area and maximum depth, depth maps, lake water levels, air photos, and topographic maps.
A Lake Finder user can view and retrieve all reported lake levels by downloading lake level data in the center of the Lake Water Level Report screen. This site is updated frequently and includes a graph of the past 10
UMN LakeBrowser. The Minnesota LakeBrowser is an online interactive lake water clarity/quality tool with Landsat-derived classifications of lake clarity of more than 10,500 lakes measured 11 times from 1975-2018. It also includes searchable statewide maps of chlorophyll concentrations and CDOM levels for several recent years.