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  1. › particulier › logging-in-to-mijn-duoLogging in to Mijn DUO

    Log in to Mijn DUO using your DigiD app or DigiD with SMS verification. Apply for the app or SMS verification at You can log in outside the Netherlands as well.

  2. › particulier › course-feesCourse fees – DUO

    The course fees for the 2024-2025 academic year are €1,419. Payment is through Mijn DUO. You can pay the full amount all at once or in 9 instalments . Did you pay the 2023-2024 course fees in 9 instalments from your own bank account? Then you will automatically pay the 2024-2025 fees in instalments as well. You don't need to take any action ...

  3. De app genereert toegangscodes voor inloggen en kan pushmeldingen ontvangen voor eenvoudige verificatie met één tik op uw iPhone, iPad of Apple Watch. U kunt Duo Mobile ook gebruiken voor tweestapsverificatie voor andere toepassingen en webservices die toegangscodes gebruiken.

  4. › particulier › tuition-feesTuition fees – DUO

    Most students pay statutory tuition fees, which are determined each year by the government. In the 2024-2025 academic year, the statutory tuition fees are €2.530,-. In the 2025-2026 academic year, the statutory tuition fees are €2.601,-.

  5. › particulier › student-financeStudent finance - DUO

    student finance for HBO or university: as soon as you start your programme, even if you are under 18. Usually this is from 1 September. We pay the amount every month , towards the end of the month.

  6. You only need to pay course fees once a year. If you switch to a different full-time MBO or VAVO programme, you don’t have to pay again. If you’re switching to a programme that charges statutory school fees (‘wettelijk cursusgeld’), you may be eligible for a course fees refund.

  7. Informatie voor studenten, terugbetalers en leraren. Informatie over studiefinanciering, studieschuld, reizen, lesgeld, diploma’s en staatsexamens.

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