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Middle English Dictionary. The world's largest searchable database of Middle English lexicon and usage for the period 1100-1500. An invaluable resource for lexicographers, language scholars, and all scholars in medieval studies.
- Bibliography
Bibliography results include only the manuscripts and...
- Quotations
Middle English Compendium; Middle English Dictionary;...
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Quotation searches. Character equivalencies, special...
- About the MEC
Citing the Middle English Dictionary. Citations of the...
- Bibliography
Quotation searches. Character equivalencies, special characters (Þ, Ð, Ȝ, etc.), accents, and ambigous letters. Expanded search options for phrases, wildcards, etc.
North Midland (dialect of Middle English) 26; Flemish 23; Northern French 23; Scottish Gaelic 22; Southern (dialects of Middle English) 21; Southwestern (dialects of Middle English) 21; Older Scots 19; Late West Saxon 18; Middle Irish 18; Gothic 17; English 14; Persian 13; Cornish 11; East Midland (dialect of Middle English) 11; Kentish ...
The Middle English Compendium comprises three easily accessible and interconnected digital reference works: the text of the Middle English Dictionary in searchable electronic form (e-MED), a revised and expanded searchable electronic version of the MED’s bibliography (HyperBibliography of ME), and a modest but growing on-line ‘Corpus of ...
The Middle English Dictionary is a dictionary of Middle English published by the University of Michigan. It comprises roughly 15,000 pages with a comprehensive analysis of lexicon and usage for the period 1175–1500, based on the analysis of over three million quotations from primary sources.
Middle English Dictionary. Link: Project Status: Complete. Welcome to the electronic Middle English Dictionary. The print MED, completed in 2001, has been described as “the greatest achievement in medieval scholarship in America.”.
The Middle English Compendium offers easy access to and interconnectivity among three major Middle English electronic resources: an electronic version of the Middle English Dictionary (MED), a HyperBibliography of Middle English prose and verse based on the MED bibliographies, and a Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.