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With a rod they will strike the judge of Israel on the cheek. From you One will come forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. From the days of eternity.” When she who is in labor has given birth. Will return to the sons of Israel. In the majesty of the name of the Lord His God. To the ends of the earth. 5 This One will be our peace.
In the majesty of the name of the Lord His God. To the ends of the earth. 5 This One will be our peace. Seven shepherds and eight leaders of men. And when he tramples our territory. Or delay for the sons of men. And there is none to rescue. And all your enemies will be cut off. And destroy your chariots. And tear down all your fortifications.
With a rod they will strike the judge of Israel on the cheek. From you One will come forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. From the days of eternity.” When she who is in labor has given birth. Will return to the sons of Israel. In the majesty of the name of the LORD His God. To the ends of the earth. 5 This One will be our peace.
4 And He will arise and shepherd His flock In the strength of the LORD, In the majesty of the name of the LORD His God. And they will remain, Because at that time He will be great To the ends of the earth. 5 This One will be our peace. When the Assyrian invades our land, When he tramples on our citadels, Then we will raise against him
1 “ # 5:1 Ch 4:14 in Heb Now muster yourselves in troops, daughter of troops; # 5:1 Lit He has They have laid siege against us; With a rod they will strike the judge of Israel on the cheek.
This One 11 will be our peace. When the 12 Assyrian invades our land, When he tramples on our citadels, Then we will raise against him Seven shepherds and eight leaders of men. They will 13 shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword, The land of 14 Nimrod at its entrances; And He will 15 deliver us from the Assyrian When he attacks our land
Read Micah 5 from the NASB Bible online. NASB | ESV MICAH 5 « Micah 4 | Micah 5 | Micah 6 » Birth of the King in Bethlehem. 5:1 ... 13 “I will cut off your carved images . And your sacred pillars from among you, So that you will no longer bow down . To the work of your hands.