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Offender Success is a great talent resource for local employers in our region. The LINK is an employer driven entity that brings direct service to employees in order for you to keep the qualified talent you have.
Create an account with Pure Michigan Talent Connect to post job openings and search resumes.
access to submit, view or change information regarding your account on your behalf. An Employer Representative is a third-party provider, such as an accountant who is not an employee of your company.
27 maj 2021 · A: When you are signed into your account, navigate under the Employer Search Preference on the My Account page on the Profile Information tab and select the checkbox for “I don’t want my information given above to be viewable or searchable by employers.” Q: How do I find the nearest Michigan Works! Service Center?
Unemployed workers filing a new claim for benefits will be required to register for work with Michigan Works! staff and verify their registration with either an in person or virtual appointment. 1. Create your job seeker profile on Pure Michigan Talent Connect. 2. Meet with staff from your local Michigan Works!
Q: I had a previous account on the Michigan Talent Bank (MTB). How do I access my account? A: If you had an account on the Michigan Talent Bank system, your information has been transferred. For Job Seekers, enter your email address and password (4 digit pin) you used for that system.
A Northwest Michigan Works! Business Services Team member is an employer's first point of contact with the Michigan Works! system and can assist with job postings, employee recruitment and more!