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Pronomi diretti są w pierwszej tabelce wykazane jako: mi, ti lo, la, ci vi, li/le. A potem w tbelce z pronomi combinati są tylko lo, la, li le. Skąd one się wzięły i gdzie są pozostałe (mi, ti, ci, vi)?
Zaimki mi, ti, si, ci, vi oraz si przybierają przed zaimkami lo, la, li, le i ne formy: me, te, sé, ce, ve, se. Zaimki gli oraz le łączą się z tymi zaimkami w formy: glielo, gliela, glieli, gliele oraz gliene. Zaimek neznaczy: z tego, z nich, o nim, o niej, o nich, o tym.
5 lut 2021 · 1:45 *Guarda 2:49 *firmarli 8:56 *comprarli In this lesson the Italian direct pronouns will be explained, in the dialogue you will see how the pronouns are used in a real context and then there is...
In this lesson, I’ll show you the personal pronouns in Italian, such as “io, me, mi, tu, te, ti, lui/lei, lo, li,” etc.----- SUMMARY O...
Mi, ti, lo, la, ci, vi, li, le. We use direct pronouns to substitute a direct object (which answers the question “who?” or “what?” and where there is no preposition) or a whole phrase. The direct pronouns always come before the verb:
In this lesson we see the Italian indirect pronouns (mi, ti, gli/le, ci, vi, loro). Printable montly planners here: New Online Course on Prepositions:...
So in "ti chiamo", we learnt the direct object pronoun for you (ti) and in "ci invita" we learnt the direct object pronoun for "us" (ci). What about the others? M: For me it's simple, "Mi".