powiązane z: mfj efhw antenna replacement head cover for sale by ownerFind the deal you deserve on eBay. Discover discounts from sellers across the globe. We've got your back with eBay money-back guarantee. Enjoy Antenna cover you can trust.
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Wire antenna for FULL HF Coverage, no tuner needed on most frequencies. No long counterpoise, radials or feedline required. Rugged weather-resistant 50-Ohm matching network. Fast Setup and takedown. Easy Storage/transport. Stainless Hardware, UV resistant materials throughout.
7 lip 2020 · Look into a resonant end fed half wave or EFHW, which will operate on its fundamental design frequency and most harmonics. For example, a 40m version at about 64ft long also operates fine on 20, 15 and 10m. A 133ft long 80m version will do 80m through 10m plus WARC bands depending on mfr.
For those that enjoy the LNR and Hy Endfed antennas, but want to run more power, Balun Designs now offers an excellent alternative. Built with the same craftsmanship as all our other units, this new model will allow you to either replace your current matching unit or construct a new higher power end fed half wave antenna.
End-Fed Horizontal Wire antennas (or EFHWs) cover multiple bands without traps, stubs, or resonators. End-fed wires resonate on their 1/2-wave fundamental frequency plus all odd and even harmonics above. Free Shipping. MFJ-1984MP come with 66 feet of wire and cover 40, 30, 20,15, and 10 meters.
The MFJ 1984HP full HF coverage antenna for 10-40 m. can handle max. 800 W SSB. End-Fed Horizontal Wires (EFHW) cover multiple bands with-out traps, stubs, or resonators. End-fed radiators have the unique quality of resonating on the 1/2-wave fundamental frequency plus odd/even harmonics above!
2 wrz 2017 · I have compared EFHW-8010 (which looks very similar to MFJ) versus full size inverted V wire dipoles (all antennas had their top 14 m off the ground) on 80/40/30/20 m with a WSPRlite beacon. Results were quite interesting: similar on 80 m, slightly lower on 40 & 30 m, rather poor on 20 m.
End-Fed Horizontal Wires (EFHW) cover multiple bands with-out traps, stubs, or resonators. End-fed radiators have the unique quality of resonating on the 1/2-wave fundamental frequency plus odd/even harmonics above! Broad-band matching transformer at feed point lets the entire HF spectrum be yours! SWR is so low you may never need a tuner.
powiązane z: mfj efhw antenna replacement head cover for sale by ownerFind the deal you deserve on eBay. Discover discounts from sellers across the globe. We've got your back with eBay money-back guarantee. Enjoy Antenna cover you can trust.