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Through a multidisciplinary approach—which includes history, sociology, policy analysis, and constitutional doctrine—this essay evaluates drug prohibition in Mexico: its history, key components and documented results.
The Drug War in Mexico: Confronting a Shared Threat thus provides a fresh look at one of the most important security threats in the Western Hemisphere and suggests recommendations for policy in both Washington and Mexico City.
the Mexican federal government’s drug war strategy to arrest or kill drug capos has resulted in negative externalities such as an increase in violence (Phillips,2015;Calder on et al.,2015;Guerrero,2011b).
2 gru 2022 · Mexico’s Long Dirty War: The origins of Mexico’s drug wars can be found in the Mexican state’s decades-long attack on popular movements advocating for social and economic justice.
The War on Drugs in Mexico: Narco Culture and Conflict, 2022. This paper elaborated in my master's program of Peace and Conflict Studies, in the Univeristy of Oslo, helps the international community to understand the development of drug cartel's evolution and structure in Mexico since the beginning of the XX Century.
2 gru 2022 · Lessons from Mexico’s Long War on Drugs. The long history of Mexico’s war on drugs offers key lessons to understand the inherent failures and contradictions of punitive responses towards the drug problem.
This article argues Mexico's war on drugs was a tactic by elites in both the United States and Mexico to legitimate the Mexican neoliberal state's political, economic, and ideological governance over Mexican society.