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  1. Serwer tworzony z myślą odtworzenia wrażeń z gry 1:1 jak w 2009 roku. Mamy na myśli każdy aspekt rozgrywki, bez wyjątków. Prawdziwy klasyk. Zaczynamy od zera, na świeżo, od początku, tak jak było w 2009 roku. W ItemShopie nie zobaczysz kostiumów, wierzchowców i innych.

  2. A Bot/Mod that adds complex functionality to the metin2 client. It needs be used with my c++ python library (eXLib.dll), it will not work without it.

  3. To generate the executable run: pyinstaller --onefile When it's end move the executable file in the folder dist to the project's root. You also can watch the video to learn how run the bot. The versions on the video may be different ( It's an old video ).

  4. Elevate your gameplay and discover Metin2 hacks, cheats and bots in our forum. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, our community is here to boost your gaming skills. Here you will find a list of discussions in the Metin2 forum at the Popular Games category.

  5. 27 lip 2022 · Mod przeznaczony do grania na i innych serwerów zagranicznych. Kliknij Start. Jesli metin sie nie uruchomi, zrobić to ręcznie, przez gameforge lub patcher. Funkcje i Opis. Zdjecie 1 Zdjecie 2. Informacja: Używanie tego typu programów może skutkować blokadą konta w grze.

  6. Can I use Hacks? Many will know it: Free of charge Hacks from the Internet. That is total muck! Notices you: There is nothing Chop the world, more Yang or EXP you to which could give. Such programs spy only your PC, in order to come to the password.

  7. metin2009.roMetin2009

    Metin2009 - Acţiunea Orientală MMORPG. În vremuri străvechi răsuflarea Zeului Dragon veghea asupra regatelor Shinsoo, Chunjo si Jinno. Dar această lume fascinantă a magiei se află în faţa unui pericol imens: Impactul Pietrelor Metin care au cauzat haos şi distrugere pe continent şi între locuitori. Au izbucnit războaie între continente, animalele sălbatice s-au transformat în ...

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