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  1. Serwer tworzony z myślą odtworzenia wrażeń z gry 1:1 jak w 2009 roku. Mamy na myśli każdy aspekt rozgrywki, bez wyjątków. Prawdziwy klasyk. Zaczynamy od zera, na świeżo, od początku, tak jak było w 2009 roku. W ItemShopie nie zobaczysz kostiumów, wierzchowców i innych.

  2. Legacy2 is an oldschool Metin2 GM Server, where everyone is a GM, with limited rights to ensure that others' gaming experience is not disrupted.

  3. 10 lip 2023 · Metin2 is an action MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role playing game) in which you enter a world of fantasy in the Eastern world and attempt to become a grand master. Metin2 is a classic role-playing game is based online with different classes based on various martial arts weapons.

  4. Gaming community DISCORD; Legend2® | Toate drepturile rezervate | 2018-2024. emirhanhcl - Metin2 Pvp Serverlerin Tasarımcısı ...

  5. metin2009.roMetin2009

    Dar această lume fascinantă a magiei se află în faţa unui pericol imens: Impactul Pietrelor Metin care au cauzat haos şi distrugere pe continent şi între locuitori. Au izbucnit războaie între continente, animalele sălbatice s-au transformat în bestii terifiante.

  6. Hey guys, I’m returning to the game and I’m wondering what should I go for? I’m an oldschool player, haven’t played in years. I’ve heard Metin2009 server is really good for oldschool, but how many players are there actually?

  7. 17 gru 2006 · Metin2 to gra z gatunku darmowych Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), której akcja dzieje się na dalekim Wschodzie, w czasach wojen między trzema fikcyjnymi narodami.

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