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Today's Rainfall. Consecutive Days with Less Than 0.10 inches Rainfall ... To access Mesonet data from the past 7 days, contact the Mesonet Operator. To access past Mesonet data, visit our Past Data page or submit a request. For all other inquiries, contact us. Oklahoma Mesonet. 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 2900 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 325-2541.
- Today's Rainfall
Today's Rainfall map displays accumulated rainfall observed...
- Recent Rainfall Table
To access Mesonet data from the past 7 days, contact the...
- Today's Rainfall
Today's Rainfall map displays accumulated rainfall observed at each Mesonet site since midnight. This map also displays the NWS Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center's rainfall estimates (in color) across Oklahoma based on radar.
To access Mesonet data from the past 7 days, contact the Mesonet Operator. To access past Mesonet data, visit our Past Data page or submit a request. For all other inquiries, contact us.
The Oklahoma Climatological Survey was established by the State Legislature in 1980 to provide climatological services to the people of Oklahoma. The Survey maintains an extensive array of climatological information, operates the Oklahoma Mesonet, and hosts a wide variety of educational outreach and scientific research projects.
The 1-hour Rainfall Accumulation map displays accumulated rainfall observed at each Mesonet site in the last hour. This map also displays the NWS River Forecast Center's rainfall estimates (in color) across Oklahoma based on radar.
View how much it rained in the past 24 hours in Oklahoma City, OK. Tap on the map to get the rainfall totals for your exact location with RainDrop.
View how much it rained in the past 24 hours in Oklahoma. Tap on the map to get the rainfall totals for your exact location with RainDrop.