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21 gru 2023 · The 1st 8 Weeks of Ménière’s Brain Surgery Recovery | Vestibular Nerve Section & Craniotomy. A video that I originally made for myself as encouragement so th...
On May 25, 2023, I had a brain surgery for Meniere's disease called a Vestibular Nerve Section and Craniotomy after I exhausted all treatments for Meniere's disease. I kept a private video...
18 wrz 2023 · On May 25, 2023, I had a brain surgery for Meniere's disease called a Vestibular Nerve Section and Craniotomy after I exhausted all treatments for Meniere's disease. I kept a private video...
19 cze 2023 · Mount Sinai neurotologists perform labyrinthectomy in patients with Meniere’s disease for whom lifestyle and medical therapy has not worked and hearing is no longer amenable to using a hearing aid. Meniere’s disease is characterized by fluctuations in hearing, bouts of vertigo/dizziness, and fullness or ringing in the ear.
21 wrz 2023 · Surgical options. Endolymphatic sac surgery aims to treat the fluid build-up in the inner ear (endolymphatic hydrops). Labyrinthectomy and vestibular neurectomy are destructive, meaning that they work by removing or impairing the part of your inner ear that causes symptoms.
The surgical therapy of Ménière’s disease include procedures which aim to reverse the high fluid pressure; destroy the balance organ but preserve hearing; or, destroy both balance and hearing. There are different treatment measures to help you manage dizziness.
3 sty 2024 · Surgery. If vertigo attacks from Meniere's disease are severe and hard to bear and other treatments don't help, surgery might be an option. Procedures include: Endolymphatic sac surgery. The endolymphatic sac helps control inner ear fluid levels. This procedure relieves pressure around the endolymphatic sac, which can improve fluid levels.