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Ministry of Education Private Mail Bag, Government Building Suva Senikau House Gordon St. Suva Phone: 3314477 Fax : 3314757
For any further enquiries please contact the officer from TSLS through email: or the Learning and Development Unit on 3314478 extension 332133 Closing date for applications Tuesday 15 th October, 2024 at 4.00pm GMT
Ministry of Education Private Mail Bag, Government Building Suva Senikau House Gordon St. Suva Phone: 3314477 Fax : 3314757
Get free access to official answer keys, notes, past papers, coursebooks, workbooks, famous YouTube channel and much more. Our discord server is a place where you can clear your doubts and get help from subject experts for free.
MEHA Vacancies, School Resources (Textbooks, Past Exam Papers, etc.), Circulars and other information can be found on the Ministry of Education website. You can use the TRAINING system by clicking
Besides the government providing free education to primary and secondary school students, they also provide free text books and free bus fare initiatives. [7]
MEHA Google share to access past year exam papers There has been a massive increase in number of downloads of exam papers from the Ministry of Education website since last week. As a result, there has been significant load on the server and access to exam papers has been slow.