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W Szpitalu Medicover posiadamy najnowocześniejszego robota da Vinci X wyposażonego w laser FireFly pomagający wykrywać przerzuty do węzłów chłonnych czy ocenić ukrwienie brzegów tkanki w zabiegach rekonstrukcyjnych.
At Medicover Hospital we have the state-of-the-art da Vinci X robot equipped with the FireFly laser which helps detect lymph node metastases or assess blood supply to tissue margins in reconstructive procedures.
Szpital Medicover dysponuje najbardziej zaawansowanym systemem robotycznym na świecie – da Vinci firmy Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Operacje w asyście robota da Vinci charakteryzują się wyjątkową precyzją oraz małą inwazyjnością zabiegów.
Tematy dnia
Designed to provide flexibility for procedures performed across multiple specialties, the da Vinci Xi surgical system offers broader 1 anatomical access, enhanced 1 ease of use, and complete integration of advanced da Vinci technology.
Tremor filtration and Intuitive motion technologies allow the surgeon to operate with steady, natural motion. Da Vinci Xi is designed to support advanced instruments including SureForm staplers, the Vessel Sealer Extend, and the Force Bipolar grasper with DualGrip technology.
Cystic lesions with a high risk of malignant cancer are treated surgically as solid tumours – surgery with da Vinci robot or laparoscopy is possible. The method and scope of surgery is tailored individually to the patient’s needs after prior urological consultation.
Define a new standard. Designed to provide flexibility for procedures performed across your robotics program, the da Vinci Xi surgical system ofers broader anatomical access, enhanced ease of use, and complete integration of the most advanced da Vinci technology.1.