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  1. Photography as Art In visual art terms, composition is divided into two areas, the elements of art, which are the composition's individual visual parts, and the principles of design, which are the composition's organizing ideas.

  2. This photographic document provides examples of how different elements of design such as line, shape, form, texture, light, color, space, and principles of design including balance, rhythm, movement, pattern, emphasis, contrast, repetition, and unity can be demonstrated through photographs.

  3. design principles is photography that has the power to last and affect us deeply. Design plays a vital role in turning images into long-distance runners, not simply sprinters. Our resistance to design principles partly lies in our attitude and approach to design in the widest sense. We’ve simply become immune to design’s overwhelming effect on

  4. In photography value is created by the amount of light and the range of tones, or light and dark areas, in a scene

  5. Elements and Principles in Photographic Composition •You have to know and understand the elements and principles of art to see them all around you and capture them in your photos.

  6. The principles of design are Balance, Harmony, Pattern/Rhythm, Unity, Contrast, Proportion, Variety, and Movement. Balance: Balance is arranging the elements in a piece so that there is an equality from one side to the other. A symmetrical image has perfect balance. Balance can also be achieved by asymmetry or radial arrangement. Below are an ...

  7. The document discusses the elements and principles of design that are important for composition in photography. It defines key elements like line, shape, form, color, value, space, and texture. It also explains principles of design such as balance, proportion, repetition, contrast, variety, movement, rhythm, emphasis, and unity that help ...