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Fill-out forms allow you to enter information into a form while it is displayed on your computer screen and then print out the completed form. You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.1 (or newer), which is available for free online. You can also print out the form and write the information by hand.
Maryland residents through the tax filing process and to provide updates on changes in the tax code. This year has been an exciting one in the Office of the Comptroller!
Form Finder -- Passport Forms. If you are applying for a U.S. passport, use the Passport Form Filler to fill out our primary forms (DS-11, DS-82, DS-5504, and DS-64) online and print them. The Form Filler will save you time and reduce the chance of errors on your form.
An official website of the United States government Here's how you know ... (Fill Out Online and Print) DS: DS-0011 (PDF) (PDF) Application for a U.S. Passport: DS: DS-0060: Affidavit Regarding A Change of Name: DS: DS-0063 ... Nonimmigrant Treaty Trader / Investor Application Use with form DS-156/I-129: DS: DS-0157: Petition for Special ...
These tools help you identify, select, and print the forms you need to file or respond to a Maryland court case. Find which District Court form you need (Case types include civil, criminal, peace/protective order, traffic, and expungement.)
The following most commonly requested forms are available for downloading from our web site. These forms are stored in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader will allow you to view and print the PDF files.
Save your form using your PDF software or Adobe Acrobat so you can print or edit your form later. If you need to file your form, please contact your local Register of Wills office for information on filing forms.