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Medial collateral ligament (MCL) sprain This leaflet intends to educate you on the immediate management of your knee injury. It also contains exercises to prevent stiffening of your knee, whilst your ligament heals. What is an MCL injury? There are two collateral ligaments, one either side of the knee, which act to stop
Here are some examples of typical rehabilitation exercises for your condition. Start each exercise slowly. Ease off the exercise if you start to have pain. Your doctor or physical therapist will tell you when you can start these exercises and which ones will work best for you. 1. Lie on your back with your knees bent. 2.
A medial collateral ligament, or MCL injury, is a tear or sprain of one of the major ligaments of your knee. The MCL is located along the inside of the knee joint, which prevents excessive side movement of the knee.
Apply for 10-15 minutes with oil on your skin to stop you getting an ice burn. Regaining full movement within the limits of the brace with exercises 1,2 and 6. Lie on your injured side with your legs on a bin liner and head supported on your forearm. Put the top arm in front for balance.
Medial Collateral Ligament Sprain Rehabilitation Exercises Knee stabilization: A . Created Date: 9/16/2019 9:41:07 AM
Rehabilitation after Injury to the Medial Collateral Ligament of the Knee. This handout is to help you rebuild the strength of the knee muscles after injury to the MCL of the knee. It is intended as a guideline to help you organize a structured approach to strengthen the knee.
8 maj 2024 · MCL sprain exercises form part of a full MCL sprain rehabilitation program. Our full program takes you step by step from injury to full fitness. It includes mobility, stretching, strengthening, proprioception, and functional and sports-specific exercises.