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  1. Combine two symbolic inequalities into a logical expression by using |. range = x < -1 | x > 1; Substitute x with 0 and 10. Although the inequalities have values, subs does not evaluate them to logical 1 or 0. x1 = subs(range,x,10) x2 = subs(range,x,0) x1 = 1 < 10 | 10 < -1.

  2. This MATLAB function performs a logical OR of inputs A and B and returns an array or a table containing elements set to either logical 1 (true) or logical 0 (false).

  3. There are certain special characters that you cannot enter as ordinary text. Instead, you must use unique character sequences to represent them. Use the symbols in this table to format strings and character vectors on their own or in conjunction with formatting functions like compose, sprintf, and error.

  4. 28 paź 2014 · Edit: For generating three random integers within the range 1 from icol, use this - randi([icol-1 icol+1],1,3) For generating one such random integer, use this - randi([icol-1 icol+1])

  5. any(a==solutions); The a==solutions line creates a matrix the same size as solutions, which contains 1's in indecies which where the conditional is true, and 0's where it is false. A few more examples: any(isprime([17:24])); %returns true; 17, 19 and 23 are prime.

  6. Operator to symbol, który mówi kompilatorowi, aby wykonał określone operacje matematyczne lub logiczne. MATLAB został zaprojektowany do działania przede wszystkim na całych macierzach i tablicach. Dlatego operatory w MATLAB-ie działają zarówno na danych skalarnych, jak i nieskalarnych.

  7. sym – Create numbered symbolic variables, symbolic variables in MATLAB functions, or symbolic numbers whose values differ from their names in the MATLAB workspace. syms – Create fresh symbolic variables

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