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Use the WebWork homework links on the Canvas course page to access WebWork; do not directly bookmark the WebWork course page. Do not use the Canvas app to access your courses on a tablet or phone; use the web browser instead.
4 dni temu · Welcome to WeBWorK! This file is at htdocs/site_info.txt. Use it to display information for the entire WeBWorK site which will be viewed at login time.
Your default user name and password are your Perm #. If you can't login, either because you aren't on the WebWork list or you forgot your password, let me or your TA know and we'll address the issue as soon as possible.
Browse to, click Course Administration, and log in. Click Add Course. Set the Course ID and Course Title according to the existing pattern (math-<course#>-<section>-<term>-<instructor_name>). Enter a user ID and password for the course instructor to use to log into the course.
This site has valuable information for staff, students, and faculty in the UCSB Mathematics Department. Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to add to this wiki, please email and ask to be added.
All homework will be submitted via WebWork ( Your password and username are both your perm number. Homework assignments will be due on Tuesdays and Fridays at 11:59pm, except for the first Tuesday of the summer session.
how hard is math 34a/b, especially if you've never taken apa calc in hs, or bad at math in general? If you use your resources (CLAS, Office Hours, etc) you can do it no problem. The material covered in 34A/B is as easy as they could make it. CLAS did wonders for my grade in MATH 34.