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  1. Reklama

    powiązane z: math 34a ucsb webwork learn at home
  2. Access the most comprehensive library of K-8 resources for learning at school and at home. Bring learning to life with worksheets, games, lessons, & more for every grade & subject.

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  1. webwork.math.ucsb.eduWeBWorK

    4 dni temu · WeBWorK Welcome to WeBWorK! Course Administration. Courses. math2a-01-f24-porter; math2a 34a-01-sims24-barei; math34a-01-f24-garfield; math34a-01-m24a-diep-nguyen; math34a-01-s24-porter; math34a-02-m24b-sun; math34b-01-f24-zhou; math34b-01-m24a-lee; math34b-01-m24b-kolt; math3a-01-f24-garcia-cervera;

  2. Welcome to the Math 34A home page. Trailer 387, Room 104, MTWRF 11:00 - 12:10. Email: Office: 6431 L South Hall. Office Hours: Official Hours: T 10:00 - class. R 2:00 - 3:00. Other Times: I'll frequently be in my office 10:00 - class, 1:00 - 3:00 every week day.

  3. Home Page for Math 34A, Fall 2007 . Math 34A, MWF 10:00 -- 10:50; IV THEA1 Office hours: MWF 8:45-9:45am or by appointment. Syllabus for Math 34A Sheet of New discussion section assignment for J.K Sigurdsson's R8-9 and R5-6 sections Homework Assignments for Math 34A are on Webwork Practice Problems for Math 34A Final

  4. › ~casej › s09math34aMath 34A Syllabus

    Homework: Homework will be due every Wednesday at 11:59pm, except for the frst week of the quarter. There will be no late homework accepted. You are encouraged to work together on the homework. All homework will be done via WebWork. Your default user name and password are your Perm #.

  5. All homework will be submitted via WebWork ( Your password and username are both your perm number. Homework assignments will be due on Tuesdays and Fridays at 11:59pm, except for the first Tuesday of the summer session.

  6. There will be regular homework sets due half an hour before the beginning of every lecture, starting with Thursday, 01/08. These will be assigned on webwork, where you will submit your answers as well. Your inital login and password for webwork is your perm number.

  7. › ~wei › teachMath 34A Syllabus

    Homework: Homework is done by computer using a program called WebWork over the internet. Go to the UCSB WebWork site, select Math 34A Section 1 Fall 2007 - Guofang Wei, then login by using your “perm number” for both username and password.

  1. Reklama

    powiązane z: math 34a ucsb webwork learn at home
  2. Access the most comprehensive library of K-8 resources for learning at school and at home. Bring learning to life with worksheets, games, lessons, & more for every grade & subject.

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