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  1. You should file an answer in court to the complaint within 20 days of receiving the summons and complaint or 7 days if it's a Complaint for Contempt. Be sure to get your answer to the plaintiff and the court by that deadline.

  2. See Respond to a case filed against you in Probate and Family Court for information on the process and other forms you may need. Most users should use Answer to Complaint for Divorce (CJD 201). If you need to save a partially filled-out form, you may choose to use the alternative form:

  3. You should file an answer in court to the complaint within 20 days of receiving the summons and complaint or seven days if it is a Complaint for Contempt. You may use this online form, prepare your own answer or complete the form available in the Registry of Probate. What form do I use?

  4. Kindly fill the form and click the 'Save as PDF' Button.The 'RESET' Button clears all the fields you have filled-in, so you can start over. Once Saved as PDF you will not be able to make changes. Upon clicking 'Save as PDF', a PDF copy of your form will be downloaded, which can be printed, emailed or uploaded to another application. Send Logs

  5. The only official court Answer form is the Answer to Complaint for Divorce. You can get it from the Probate and Family Court. There is no "official" court Answer form for any other Complaint. Lawyers write Answers from scratch.

  6. Mass. Gen. Laws c. 239, §8A; c. 186, §15B; and/or c. 93A 36. I paid last month’s rent of $ _____ to my current/former (circle which one) landlord and my landlord has not paid me yearly interest or given me rent credit for this interest, entitling me to three times the amount of interest owed.

  7. Use the Answer to: Tell the judge what the landlord did wrong. You can download this "how to" Answer booklet as a PDF file. Follow the instructions to complete your Answer. Or use the Massachusetts Defense for Eviction (MADE) free online Answer form tool. It asks you questions and helps you build the Answer you need to file at court.

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