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Browse or search through over 260 available languages, including 60+ supported via video for real-time, face-to-face communication. Rapidly connect to a medically qualified interpreter, ready to assist with any patient interaction, ensuring clarity and precision.
This Handbook is provided as a study guide for the Interpreting in Healthcare Settings Short-term Training Series provided by The Interpreter’s Lab TM and Shifting Pictures. It is not intended as a stand-alone training manual.
29 mar 2023 · Known as MARTTI* (My Accessible Real-Time Trusted Interpreter), the technology was implemented at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) Hamilton in October 2021. It provides 24/7 access to medical interpreters in more than 250 languages.
19 maj 2022 · Martti™ by UpHealth partnered with the healthcare system in October 2021 to provide remote language interpretation services to patients and their companions. Since then, the integration of the Martti™ system has allowed the health system to help over 118,000 patients through the over 1.5 million minutes of translation.
23 lut 2022 · Hospitals, healthcare systems, provider groups, and other organizations can establish institutional access to the Martti™ Translation portal, where they can upload documents for comprehensive, reliable translation by experienced translators.
2 maj 2012 · access the additional free downloads of printables to use for therapy (i.e. executive function worksheets, how to communicate, etc.). There are also some. free materials that are accessible without signing up. Here's the link:
The Language Access Network (LAN) has developed a HIPPA approved wireless, two-way video and audio wireless connection to a skilled medical interpreter known as MARTTI (My Accessible Real-Time Trusted Interpreter). This device is designed to assist with interpretation and language barriers to health care.