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  1. MarineNet will allow you to complete required and annual training without having to step into a classroom! MarineNet courses are available to all Marines: active duty, reserve, civilian, and retirees. Numerous courses are also available to family members with valid government ID.

  2. › MarineNet › SSOloginDoD Consent Banner

    MarineNet is the official gateway to online courseware for Marines, offering e-learning courses on military training and personal development.

  3. › content › MnetLandingMarineNet

    MarineNet is the official e-learning platform for the US Marine Corps, offering courses and resources for professional development.

  4. › content › mnet-portalCourses/Curricula - MarineNet

    You can view or download a Completion Certificate or Diploma using the "View Certificate" button on a My Completed Courses listing. You can access all your Course Certificates and Diplomas at once by selecting the Certificates / Transcripts option on the left navigation bar.

  5. › content › mnet-portalCourse Catalog - MarineNet

    Learning resources that can be located with the Catalog include Self-Paced and Formal School courses, seminars, and training; MarineNet Video Service (MVS) audio and video files; and AEM Library Materials. Click here to access Course Catalog.

  6. Submatriculation offers exceptional current undergraduate students at the University of Pennsylvania a way to begin the Fels Master of Public Administration (MPA) program while completing their undergraduate program.

  7. 12 paź 2018 · USMC workstations should already meet the requirements listed below. If your personal computer is missing one or more software plug-ins, you can download and install them free of charge. Use an internet search engine to find the plug-ins you need. For additional assistance, please contact the MarineNet Help Desk. Base OS and Components

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