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21 lis 2006 · In this NOVA scienceNOW video segment, meet microbiologists working in the trenches to (very carefully) reconstruct a virus that killed up to 50 million people worldwide.
2 sty 2018 · Read a detailed timeline of the 1918 epidemic that ultimately killed upwards of 600,000 people. Watch a video interview with Dr. Alfred Crosby, author of Epidemic and Peace 1918: America's...
1918 Flu. Clip: Season 6 | 12m 33s. A virus that killed up to 50 million people is revived to decipher its deadliness. Aired 11/01/2012 | Rating TV-G
25 wrz 2018 · Christopher Eccleston narrates a docudrama about the 1918 flu pandemic, which killed more than 50 million people. Told using powerful personal testimony. It is 1918 and the end of WWI....
25 lis 2024 · Contains selected photographs, letters, documents, and government documents related to the pandemic from the NARA collection. Images, videos, books, manuscripts, declassified government documents about the history of medicine, all public domain. Includes curated exhibits.
By examining the origins, pathways, demographic impact and consequences for the public, the medical profession and governments, of the so-called “Spanish” influenza pandemic of 1918-1919, this article establishes the main contours of the worst pandemic in modern history, which killed some 50 million people worldwide in eighteen months.
31 sie 2018 · Understanding how such a virulent epidemic emerged and spread offers hope for prevention and strategies of response. This review uses historical methodology and evolutionary perspectives to revisit the 1918 outbreak.