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Assessor Maps. To download a map please enter the parcel number or map book number below to access to the map book for that parcel. Read the Assessor parcel map instructions to learn how to decipher the parcel number (APN) and map book.
Access Los Angeles County Assessor's map search portal to view and research land use and zoning information.
This page allows you to search and look up property characteristics for any property in Ventura County using either the 10-digit parcel number or by address. Much of our data is supplied to you for your own research.
The information contained on this web site and in this application was created by the Ventura County Geographical Information System (GIS), which is designed and operated solely for the convenience of the County and related contract entities.
GIS Mapping. The County of Ventura GIS department has created an online application called County View that allows you to view and gather information about various aspects of the county using a Google Maps like interface. Visit the County View webpage to get started.
This application was created by the Ventura County Geographical Information System (GIS)
Ventura County Government uses GIS tools and geospatial information for implementing zoning ordinances, conducting a census, city, and school redistricting, mapping residential property foreclosures, monitoring transportation, and road improvements, analyzing natural hazards such as earthquake, tsunami, and wildfires.