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  1. USING ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE KAPLAN PUBLISHING UNIT GUIDE INTRODUCTION This unit provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to carry out typical bookkeeping transactions and tasks using accounting software. In the modern business environment, processing data and information into accounting software is a necessary task in most finance ...

  2. transactions and events are analyzed using the accounting equation to understand how they affect company performance and financial position. These effects are recorded in accounting records, informally referred to as the accounting books, or simply the books. Additional steps

  3. Introduction. is a basic guide to using sage. For further assistance use the Help option on sage or contact Integra Accounting Limited as detailed below. The guide is aimed at businesses using the VAT schemes of standard or cash accounting.

  4. Below are some examples of accounts that your small business may use. This article will look into each section of these in more detail. Each account allows you to track transactions within the software and produce financial statements, including Balance Sheet and Income statement (Profit and Loss).

  5. • explain the meaning of the term “accounting” • explain the objectives of Accounting • explain the importance of Accounting information to various users • identify the branches of Accounting • explain the principles of business entity and money measurement and illustrate with examples

  6. When you have completed this chapter, you should be able to: apply and explain the principles of double entry bookkeeping. prepare nominal ledger accounts. prepare bookkeeping entries for income and expenditure. prepare bookkeeping entries for assets, liabilities and capital.

  7. expand Sage DacEasy Accounting with the addition of powerful add-on modules, making it the ideal out-of-the-box solution for the small business in need of robust, as well as affordable, business software. This User’s Guide assists you with setting up your company and details basic accounting processes.