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The Republic of Maldives gained its independence from the United Kingdom, under an agreement signed with United Kingdom on July 26, 1965, after 78 years as a British protectorate. In accordance with the broader British policy of decolonization, an agreement was formalized on 26 July 1965 on Ceylon.
26 lip 2015 · The Maldives gained independence from the British on July 26, 1965, after 77 years as a British protectorate. The Maldives hosted a British air base on the island of Gan in Addu atoll between 1957 and 1967.
Desfiles coloridos, cerimônias de hasteamento de bandeiras, apresentações de escolares, procissões festivas e muitos outros eventos acontecem nas Maldivas em 26 de julho, o dia em que o país celebra sua independência.
26 lip 2023 · THE Maldives became independent exactly 58 years ago today. It was July 26, 1965. The island nation – known for its 1192 islands, pristine beaches, crystal-clear lagoons and resplendent coral reefs – had spent 77 years as a British protectorate.
From the mid-16th century, the region came under the increasing influence of European colonial powers, with the Maldives becoming a British protectorate in 1887. Independence from the United Kingdom came in 1965, and a presidential republic was established in 1968 with an elected People's Majlis.
25 kwi 2017 · Foi uma colônia britânica e obteve a independência em 1965. O turismo começou a ser desenvolvido no início da década de 70. O primeiro hotel foi inaugurado em 1972.
11 lip 2022 · As Maldivas já nos parecem um pedaço de céu na Terra e ainda nem imaginávamos que podiam flutuar.