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  1. Peninsular Malaya. The income tax data until 1988 cover Peninsular Malaysia, also known as the States of Malaya or as Western Malaysia. From 1992, the income tax data cover all Malaysia (no data have been found for 1989 to 1991). The income tax data show the number of taxpayers assessed by ranges of

  2. Malaysia established an official Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) in 2015 as a complement to the income-based poverty measure that has been in use since the 1970s. To date the MPI has not featured prominently in policy formulation or in public discourse, being overshadowed by other measures. Most notable

  3. The main objectives of the HIS are to measure the economic well-being of the population; collect information on income distribution patterns of households classified by various socio-economic characteristics and provide the base data for the calculation of the Poverty Line Income (PLI).

  4. 31 gru 2022 · Malaysia. Last updated: 28 Jul 2023, 12:00. How is key income and expenditure indicators distributed? Data as of 31 Dec 2022, 23:59. Mean Household Income. By state. This distribution is based on the household's location of residence. For example, the income of a couple who works in Kuala Lumpur but lives in Petaling will be counted under Petaling.

  5. This paper studies Malaysia’s long-run economic growth prospects as it attains the status and characteristics of a high-income economy. Figure 1.1. Historical GDP Growth Figure 1.2. Historical Real GNI Per Capita Level. 1. The Government of Malaysia’s longrun and medium- -run growth strategies are outlined in its Shared

  6. We find trend GDP growth in Malaysia is likely to fall from around 4.5 percent in 2020 to 2 percent in 2050, .0 driven mostly by demographics, falling private investment effectiveness and declining TFP growth. Declining growth is common peer countries as they among transition to high-income status.

  7. This article outlines the key methodologies used in determining the PLI, and how these have evolved over time—the latest in 2019 when Malaysia’s PLI was raised. It concludes by reflecting on alternative monetary approaches to defining the poverty line using relative poverty measures.