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  1. We are committed to serving the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church in Malawi in ensuring the availability of affordable Holy Scriptures which are faithful to the original texts, without doctrinal note or comment in various formats and media for worship, witness, discipleship and spiritual growth through Translation, Production, Distribution and ...

  2. 2 kwi 2023 · Amos is an elementary school teacher and church leader in Balaka, Malawi. Before knowing Jesus, he lived a worldly life as a young person. “I was fond of attending social events; drinking and anger filled my life. My most memorable day is when Jesus set me free from the bondage of sin,” he said.

  3. Select any Bible verse or passage, linked directly to any of YouVersion’s 1,200+ versions, in 900+ languages. People viewing your Event can tap your reference to see it in their Bible App reader, where they can Bookmark it, Highlight it, and more.

  4. 2 dni temu · Click Now to Download The Times of India epaper PDF today's newspaper. Get now your favourite newspaper and stay up to date.

  5. 19 lut 2018 · The Bible Society of Malawi launched a third edition of the Tumbuka Bible, the most dominant language in the Northern Region of Malawi and northern areas of the Central Region. Translation of...

  6. Malawi breaking news publishing 24 hours a day news about Malawi, Malawi Business, Malawi Tourism, Malawi Politics, Malawi News

  7. Welcome to CBS in Malawi where the Warm Heart of Africa is receiving God's light in powerful ways!

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