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  1. a. Type of Manual. Operator's Manual 1 b. Model Number and Equipment Name. Chemical-biological mask: field, M40/M40A1 c. Purpose of Equipment. To protect your face, eyes, and lungs from field concentrations of chemical-biological (CB) agents, toxins and radioactive fallout particles. d. Special Limitations on Equipment.

  2. This document provides operating instructions for the M40/M40A1 chemical-biological mask. It begins with several pages of warnings about properly wearing the mask and cautions about toxic environments.

  3. The M40 FPM is an individual protective device used to protect the wearer’s face, eyes, and lungs against field concentrations of chemical and biological (CB) agents, toxins and radioactive fallout particles.

  4. On this page you will find a table of contents which will tell you on which page the task begins. Turn to the page and follow the instructions to put on and use your mask under usual conditions. HOW TO USE A MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE If you're using the manual to perform maintenance, go to the table of contents and find the first page of that section.

  5. This document provides the operator's manual for the M40A1 and M42A2 chemical-biological masks. It contains instructions for general operation under usual and unusual conditions, troubleshooting, preventative maintenance checks and services, and supporting information.

  6. Page 6 and 7: TECHNICAL MANUAL NO. 3-4240-339-10 ; Page 8 and 9: PAGE APPENDIX A. APPENDIX B. Sectio; Page 10 and 11: CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION SECTION 1. G; Page 12 and 13: Section II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 1; Page 14 and 15: CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Se; Page 16 and 17: INTERNAL DRINK TUBE (8) allows the ; Page 18 and 19: c. Carrier ...

  7. Given an M40 field protective mask and exposure to irritant gas in a chamber or simulated combat environment, know the proper masking procedures, per the student handout.

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