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These are the questions that award-winning journalist Ben Sherwood explores in The Survivors Club from Grand Central Publishing. In search of answers, Ben immersed himself in the world of surviving and thriving.
29 lis 2010 · From award-winning journalist Sherwood comes a fascinating exploration of survival that can help prepare you for life's inevitable struggles, from cancer and crime to car accidents and airplane crashes pt. 1 : What it takes to survive.
Książka The Survivors Club: The Secrets and Science That Could Save Your Life autorstwa Sherwood Ben, dostępna w Sklepie EMPIK.COM w cenie 98,46 zł. Przeczytaj recenzję The Survivors Club: The Secrets and Science That Could Save Your Life. Zamów dostawę do dowolnego salonu i zapłać przy odbiorze!
3 lut 2010 · The SURVIVORS CLUB is a fascinating look into the psychology and complexities of human survival. Drawing on historical examples of people who have survived a wide range of disasters, Sherwood pulls together themes and patterns which are altogether inspiring, revelatory, and fascinating.
1 sty 2009 · Sherwood’s latest book, The Survivors Club, is a non-fiction exploration of the science and secrets of who bounces back from everyday adversity and who doesn’t; who beats life-threatening disease and who succumbs; and who triumphs after economic hardship and who surrenders.
26 sty 2009 · The fascinating, hopeful answers to these questions are found in The Survivors Club. In the tradition of The Tipping Point and Freakonomics, this book reveals the hidden side of survival...
3 lut 2010 · The Survivors Club will explain how they did it. You'll learn some of the secrets of survival-like the safest seat on an airplane, the best place to suffer a heart attack, and how the number 3 could keep you alive in a crunch.