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  1. 19 lut 2022 · TEXT and MUSIC: John C. Ylvisaker, 1985Sung by Holy Cross Lutheran North Miami

  2. 17 sie 2022 · Words and music by John Ylvisaker (1985). Sung by the worship team of Windsor Park United Church.

  3. ELW 732, I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry, requested by L'Jean Swisher, and recorded by Tyler... Next, in a series of videos for the Lindsborg Hymn Project.

  4. 15 cze 2013 · However, the original "false labor" later gave way to the "birth" of "Borning Cry", which is now included in songbooks and hymnals around the world. Prior to the merger of the Evangelical...

  5. Text and Music: John C. YlvisakerText and Music Copyright 1985 John C. Ylvisaker"Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtainedfrom ONE LI...

  6. sung by Emma BegertText: John C. Ylvisaker, b. 1937; Music: John C. Ylvisaker; Text and music © 1985 John C. Ylvisaker Reprinted with permission under O...

  1. Wyszukiwania związane z lutheran hymn borning cry lyrics in a key easy to sing youtube music

    lutheran hymn borning cry lyrics in a key easy to sing youtube music video