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Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises (ur. 29 września 1881 we Lwowie, zm. 10 października 1973 w Nowym Jorku) – austriacki ekonomista. Brat matematyka Richarda von Misesa. Przedstawiciel szkoły austriackiej w ekonomii, w poglądach na gospodarkę reprezentował stanowisko leseferystyczne.
Selected major works by Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973), one of the most notable economists and social philosophers of the twentieth century. In the sequence of Mises’s books concerning policy, this book followed Socialism, and was the first to present a new theory of interventionism.
The Mises Institute offers thousands of free books written by Ludwig Von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, and other prominent economists in e-book and audiobook format. [39] ... Ebeling, Richard M. "Ludwig von Mises and the Vienna of His Time, Part II", (The Freeman, April 2005).
Ludwig von Mises truly was an intellectual giant among men and, as Murray Rothbard saw, his thought and causal-realist framework is the best alternative to the economic paradigm of our age.
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics is a work by the Austrian economist and philosopher Ludwig von Mises. Widely considered Mises' magnum opus, [1] it presents the case for laissez-faire capitalism based on praxeology, his method to understand the structure of human decision-making.
Pisze książki: biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik, biznes, finanse, filozofia, etyka, historia, nauki społeczne (psychologia, socjologia, itd.), popularnonaukowa. Urodzony: 29.09.1881 Zmarły: 10.10.1973. Ludzkie działanie. Traktat o ekonomii. Nestor austriackiej szkoły w ekonomii o skrajnie liberalnych poglądach na gospodarkę.
teacher Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995) about his teacher Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973). The first was written soon after Mises’s death, and has long served as the most popular introduction to the thought of Mises. The second, written in 1988, is more biographical in its content,