Search results
As of IBM® Lotus® Notes® version 8.5.1 users are able to customize their search experience by permanently adding Web and Notes database search engines. In addition, the existing Search Center APIs have been enhanced to support a richer UI, as well as several context menu options.
Domyślnie - o ile użytkownik nie ustawi inaczej - po uruchomieniu programu Lotus Notes wyświetla się standardowa strona główna, która umożliwia szybki dostęp do poczty elektronicznej, kalendarza, kontaktów, listy czynności do wykonania, osobistego notatnika oraz dokumentów,
You should also specify what version of Lotus Notes (and of the Domino server, if you know it) you are asking about. However, I will note that from a programming perspective, by searching for 'DisplayFrom' you are trying to search for what is called a computed-for-display field.
Users can customize the Notes Search Center to enable them to quickly search for the data they need. The Search Center can easily be customized by adding search engines in seconds. These search engines can also be shared to help other users find their information.
Various Search options in the IBM Notes Client: Their scope & how to use them effectively. This article talks about the various Search options available in the Notes client. And also help users to understand which Search option to be opted as per their need.
Preferencje programu IBM®Lotus Notes umożliwiają określanie częstotliwości automatycznego zapisywania dokumentów w programie Notes, sprawdzanie subskrypcji aplikacji Lotus Notes, zmianę czcionek domyślnych oraz ustawianie wielu innych podstawowych preferencji.
You can perform a search on an Internet search Web site (search engine) from within Lotus Notes®.