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  1. 15 gru 2020 · Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.

  2. 29 lis 2020 · Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.

  3. 1) Wspinać się na drzewo a) climb trees b) climb mountains c) ride a horse 2) Wspinać się na górę a) climb mountains b) do gymnastic c) climb trees 3) Uprawiać gimnastykę a) play basketball b) climb mountains c) do gymnastic 4) Ćwiczyć karate a) do gymnastic b) do karate c) make cakes 5) Robić ciastka a) do gymnastic b) make models c) make cakes 6) Składać modele a) make cakes b ...

  4. Nie znasz odpowiedzi? Ucz się z Quizlet i zapamiętaj fiszki zawierające takie pojęcia, jak climb mountains, climb trees, do gymnastics itp.

  5. Liczba wyników dla zapytania „link 4 unit 3”: 10 000+ Trick Words (Level 3, unit 1) Memory. autor: Tinatravers. 3rd Grade ELA Fundations Level 3 Unit 1. ... Wonders- Grade 4- Unit 2 Week 3 Vocabulary Połącz w pary. autor: Cdewees. 4th Grade. TEENS 3 UNIT 4 PREPOSITIONS OF MOVEMENT AND PLACE Rysunek z opisami.

  6. Portal Wordwall umożliwia szybkie i łatwe tworzenie wspaniałych materiałów dydaktycznych.

  7. 15 mar 2021 · Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.

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