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  1. Lincoln Motor Company – amerykański producent luksusowych samochodów osobowych i SUV-ów z siedzibą w Dearborn, działający od 1917 roku. Należy do amerykańskiego koncernu Ford Motor Company. Przedsiębiorstwo zostało założone w 1917 roku przez Henry’ego Lelanda.

  2. Lincoln Motor Company, or simply Lincoln, is the luxury vehicle division of American automobile manufacturer Ford Motor Company. [6] Marketed among the top luxury vehicle brands in the United States, Lincoln is positioned closely against its General Motors counterpart Cadillac.

  3. The Wiki of Lincoln Motor Company is a Wiki about the luxury vehicle division automotive brand "Lincoln" founded in August 1917 by Henry M. Leland, naming it after Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln is marketed among the top luxury vehicles in the United States, positioned closely against its General...

  4. Lincoln Motor Company er en amerikansk bilprodusent som produserer biler av merket Lincoln. Dette er et bilmerke i luksusklassen. Merket er i dag eiet av Ford Motor Company. Firmaet ble grunnlagt i 1917 av Henry M. Leland. Leland var også en av grunnleggerne av Cadillac. Han forlot Cadillac-divisjonen i General Motors under første verdenskrig.

  5. The Lincoln L series (also called the Lincoln Model L) is the first automobile that was produced by the Lincoln Motor Company. [1] Introduced in 1920, the L series would continue to be produced after the bankruptcy of Lincoln in 1922 and its purchase by Ford Motor Company.

  6. Lincoln Motor Company – amerykański producent luksusowych samochodów osobowych i SUV-ów z siedzibą w Dearborn, działający od 1917 roku. Należy do amerykańskiego koncernu Ford Motor Company.

  7. You will find here the most complete list on the web about cars, bikes, trucks and other vehicles seen in movies and TV series, image captures and information about them.

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