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lrtest performs a likelihood-ratio test of the null hypothesis that the parameter vector of a statistical model satisfies some smooth constraint. To conduct the test, both the unrestricted and the
The likelihood ratio (LR) test and Wald test test are commonly used to evaluate the difference between nested models. One model is considered nested in another if the first model can be generated by imposing restrictions on the parameters of the second.
1 lip 2018 · In a likelihood ratio test, you are testing if a less restrictive model (more parameters) fits better than a more restrictive one. For example, does a 4-class solution fit better than a 3-class one? If this were a standard linear regression, you could calculate this by hand easily enough (or use the built in lrtest command).
This video introduces the *lrtest* command in Stata 18 for performing likelihood-ratio tests.
This macro can perform the bootstrap likelihood ratio test to compare the fit of a latent class analysis (LCA) model with k classes ( k ≥ 1) to the fit of one with k + 1 classes. The parametric bootstrap likelihood ratio test for LCA is described in McLachlan and Peel (2000);
Technically, Wald statistics are not considered 100% optimal; it is better to do likelihood ratio tests, where you estimate the constrained model without the parameter and contrast it with the unconstrained model that includes the parameter.
Likelihood-ratio (G2) test For standard latent class models with observed variables that are all categorical, one way to evaluate model fit is to compare the model we have just fit with a saturated model.