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  1. 4 kwi 2024 · Go to LibCal ( and log-in. Click on Appointments in the yellow toolbar across the top of the screen. Click the Availability button. Enter your desired range of office hours into the Start Time and End Time fields.

  2. UMD students, faculty and staff may send print jobs from personal or office computers to the Libraries' printers from anywhere on campus as long as they are connected to the eduroam wireless network (UMD-Guest does not connect to our printers). To do so, download and install the appropriate print drivers.

  3. I'd like to print out all of my lectures for the semester. This is really easy to answer, but very sneaky. In short: they are all free. "But how is this possible?" Easy. You will need a laptop and a printer you have physical access to. Go to the printer.

  4. Borrow textbooks for popular university courses for up to 4 hours. The libraries have a number of reservable rooms to meet your needs. The libraries has general use and specialty equipment you can borrow. Copy, Print, Scan. Library patrons have access to printing equipment located on-site.

  5. Find the best library databases for your research. Loading... We are not evaluating any trial resources at this time.

  6. The Libraries have a number of reservable rooms to meet your needs! Each library has its own spaces, so be sure to note which one you are reserving. Policies and availability vary. Use our online tool to book study rooms in the library. Powered by Springshare. All rights reserved. Report a tech support issue.

  7. UMD students, employees, and community users can access the UMD Librariesonline resources (databases, e-books, streaming videos, etc.) from anywhere on campus. Simply connect to the university Wi-Fi or use one of our computer workstations to access.

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