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Leyton Obsessional Inventory - Short Form 1. I avoid using the public telephone because of possible contamination. True False 2. I frequently get nasty thoughts and have difficulty getting rid of them. True False 3. I am more concerned than most people about honesty. True False 4. I am often late because I can’t seem to get through everything ...
The Leyton Obsessional Inventory – Child Version (Leyton-CV) Survey, a 20-item questionnaire, is described in the literature as a reliable instrument with high sensitivity and specificity for the screening of OCD [16]. The original Leyton Obsessional Inventory [13] was a 69-item card-sorting task for adults.
The psychometric properties of the Obsessive Compulsive Inventory-Child Version (OCI-CV) were examined in ninety-six youth with a primary/co-primary diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Short Leyton Obsessional Inventory-Child Version (SLOI-CV) This form is about how you might have been feeling or acting recently. For each item please tick the box that
1 cze 1993 · We used the Leyton Obsessional Inventory, short form (LOI; Cooper, 1970), to measure obsessive compulsive personality characteristics.
The Leyton Obsessional Inventory-Child Version (LOI-CV) significantly differentiated obsessive patients from normal controls on total scores for obsessional symptoms as well as total scores for degree of resistance to the symptoms and interference with everyday life.
Key Words: OCD, epidemiology, adolescent Leyton Obsessional Inventory, childhood. Childhood obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) has been considered a rare psychiatric disorder with a reported inci dence from 0.2% of total clinical populations to I% of child psychiatric inpatients (Berman, 1942; Judd, 1965; Hollings worth et aI., 1980).