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  1. Od czasu ponownego sformowania oficjalna nazwa legionu brzmiała Legion X Gemina (Bliźniaczy, bo już nie ten sam). Na półwyspie Iberyjskim w latach 25-13 p.n.e., X brał udział w kampaniach przeciw Cantabrom (Baskowie).

  2. The baptism of fire for the legionaries of Legio X Gemina was the Battle of the Sabis (modern Sambre River in the current territories of France and Belgium) in 57 BCE. In this battle, Gaius Julius Caesar defeated the superior forces of the Nervii (one of the Belgic tribes).

  3. From Mérida, Spain comes a stone inscription commemorating a legionary of the X Gemina legion; in addition, several finds from the period of the X Legion’s stationing at the camp in Noviomagus (Nijmegen; these artefacts are now in the Valkhof museum).

  4. Legio X Gemina ("10th Twin (s) Legion" in English), was a Roman legion, which was active during the late Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire as part of the Imperial Roman army. It was one of the four legions used by Julius Caesar in 58 BC, during the Roman invasion of Gaul.

  5. An inscription in Apamea (Syria) seems to document a transfer of a soldier of X Gemina to the newly-created legion II Parthica, which also stayed in Rome and (like the imperial guard) accompagnied the emperor when he went to the front.

  6. 28 paź 2021 · Legio X Gemina supported Septimius Severus' (r. 193-211 CE) claim to the Roman throne and fought under him against the claimant Pescennius Niger. Although sources vary, it seems that in the 3rd century CE, the legion was with Emperor Aurelian (r. 270-275 CE) when he defeated Queen Zenobia .

  7. In 70, after the Batavian rebellion was suppressed by the new emperor Vespasian, X Gemina was sent to Batavia in Germania Inferior to police the lands and prevent new revolts.

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