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Z 28 legionów za panowania następcy Trajana cesarza Hadriana, 3 stacjonowały w Panonii Superior: legio I Adiutrix, legio XIIII Gemina i legio X Gemina. W Judei stacjonował inny legion X Fretensis, który w latach 132-135 tłumił powstanie żydowskie Bar Kochby.
Legio X Equestris, a Roman legion, was one of the most trusted legions of Julius Caesar. Legio X was famous in its day and throughout history, because of its portrayal in Caesar's Commentaries and the prominent role the Tenth played in his Gallic campaigns.
Legion X, który wsadził na konie. Stąd przylgnęło do nich na kilkanaście lat zaszczytne miano Equites. Kiedy negocjacje spełzły na niczym, Cezar u podnóży Wogezów, poprowadził legiony do bitwy. Legion X tradycyjnie zajął zaszczytne miejsce na prawym skrzydle uformowany w szyku triplex acies.
This incident earned the legion its nickname Equestris (mounted). One of the legionaries jokingly said that Caesar was better than his word: he had promised to make them foot guards, but now they appeared as equestrians.[6]Legio X saved the day in the Battle against the Nervians in 57 BC.
Legio X Gemina. Joaquín L Gómez-Pantoja. An update to Riiterling's account on this Roman legion, which served in Spain and Pannonia in the Early Empire, was tranferred to Noviomagus by the Flavians and ended up in Vindobona for the rest of its existence. See Full PDF.
Legio X Equestris. The Tenth Legion, known as Legio X Equestris, was formed by Julius Caesar during his tenure as the Governor of Hispania Ulterior in 61 BC. As the first legion Caesar raised personally, it held a special place of trust and prominence in his military campaigns.
Legio X Equestris. The Legio X Equestris was founded by Julius Caesar in 61 BCE. It was renamed the Legio X Gemina in 29 BCE by Augustus. It was based at Astorga in Hispania Tarraconensis between c.31 BCE-71 CE.