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Recreational drug use has changed to include a range of substances sold as ‘research chemicals’ but known by users as ‘legal highs’ (legal alternatives to the most popular illicit recreational drugs), which are of an unknown toxicity to humans and often include prohibited substances controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971).
Others have been suffering from a cocaine addiction and would like to get their hands on a safe, legal alternative to the same. Luckily, there are several legal stimulants out there and here we’ll break down just what they are, what they do and where you can find them.
Synthetic cathinones (SCat) are amphetamine-like psychostimulants that emerged onto drug markets as "legal" alternatives to illicit drugs such as ecstasy, cocaine, and amphetamines.
6 mar 2015 · These drugs provide similar highs to other, more well-known drugs, like marijuana and cocaine. Many are still legal and others have only recently become illegal.
20 maj 2017 · But as these shiny packets bear witness, there is also a thriving market for “legal highs”, synthetic alternatives to drugs such as ecstasy or cocaine.
13 gru 2022 · In this chapter, I explain and assess the pros and cons of alternative drug policies, including (1) escalation of the drug war, (2) harm reduction, (3) decriminalization, (4) selective legalization, (5) prescription or licensed use, and (6) on-premise use.
2 cze 2017 · Today, we acknowledge the continuously growing threat of the emergence of new psychoactive substances, also known as “legal highs”, “designer drugs” or “herbal highs”, which are mainly developed for recreational use.