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Owner Name / Company Name (Last name first. Example: SMITH JOHN)
Search options include PPIN, owner name, parcel number, street, subdivision and property value. Web Site Address: Select either " Office or Home PC" or " Mobile Map"
Please review all sales/transactions or conduct a title search for complete title and ownership information. Sole Owner: Exclusive ownership interest in real estate, whether by an individual, corporation, or trust.
Taxpayer Search & Pay Lee County - AL makes every effort to produce and publish the most accurate information possible; however, this material may be slightly dated which would have an impact on its accuracy.
This search engine provides property tax and appraisal information of record in Lee County, Alabama. This information is updated frequently for the current tax year, but may not reflect actual, up-to-date courthouse records. To begin your search, choose the link below.
13 paź 2024 · The Lee County Property Appraiser's Office will be closed 12:00pm Monday, October 7th through Friday, October 11th due to Hurricane Milton.
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