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  3. Supported Learning Environment. Access to a wide range of services to ensure you transition smoothly to Deakin University. Free chat by Deakin College Indonesia offers a range of diploma and foundation programs so you can enter your dream degree at Deakin University.

  4. Personal coaching every week supported by the KED tools such as log book, learning portal, reflection sessions, workshops guide students to find their path towards achieving their academic and personal goals.

  5. Secondary School Program. Madania Secondary is authorised to administer both the Indonesian national and the Cambridge International curriculums. Our secondary school encourages students to be independent, creative, confident, highly motivated and able to organize themselves.

  6. MBI

    Akademik Online. Untuk kebutuhan Sistem Informasi Akademik, Portal Mahasiswa, dan kalender Akademik. PORTAL MAHASISWA. PORTAL DOSEN. PORTAL ORANG TUA. E-Learning. Aplikasi sistem belajar mengajar melalui program E-Learning untuk mahasiswa dan dosen. PDDIKTI.

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