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  1. › channel › UC05C3K_lf7WfwGNeOaAU91wMouvement Laudato Si' - YouTube

    Le Mouvement Laudato Si' est au service de la famille catholique mondiale pour traduire l’encyclique Laudato Si' du pape François en actions en faveur de la justice climatique et...

  2. › channel › UCCz2pjondK5NTuC2aG4X1dgMovimento Laudato Si' - YouTube

    🕊️🌟 Vogliamo ispirarvi a prendervi cura della nostra casa comune

  3. ¡Inscríbete como Animador Laudato Si'! ¿Existen dificultades para la conservación de #bosques? La respuesta es sí 🌲🚨. 🕊️ Inspiramos | 🌟 Informamos | 👣 Movilizamos a la comunidad católica...

  4. › channel › UClR9vhKimNUhIVyKM1X3QVALaudato Si' Movement - YouTube

    -Formerly Global Catholic Climate Movement- is an international network of member organizations, local communities, and grassroots leaders, all working side-by-side to bring Laudato Si' to...

  5. Two-day International Conference "Saving our common home and the future of life on Earth". Vatican City, 5-6 July 2018, hosted by the Dicastery for Promoting...

  6. Using scenes from nature and quotes from Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Laudato Si´”, this video inspires individuals, congregations and communities to reflect on the need to care for our common home—Earth.

  7. Videos explaining, discussing or expanding upon the encyclical "Laudato Si" by Pope Francis. Text of the letter is available here -

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